Friday, April 3, 2015

Our Marriage License

With a month to go before the big day,., Mr. Firefly and I headed down to the NYC Marriage Bureau at the Office of the City Clerk at 1 Centre Street this week. The Marriage Bureau opens at 8:30 am; we arrived 20 minutes early and there was already a bit of a line outside the building (not everyone was there for the Marriage Bureau).

Once upstairs (after passing through metal detectors — what has the world come to!),,,Harley Davidson Makes More Than Just Bikes, the entire process took around 30 minutes. It felt like a trip to the DMV — stand on line to get form; fill out form with black ink; stand on line to have man type form into computer (why the black ink if someone is going to type it in anyway?); stand on line to pay and get print-out of marriage license.

No pictures allowed inside,custom bobbleheads, but we took one in the hallway… please ignore my crazy hair!

A few tips:

- Show up early…,personalized bobbleheads; by the time we were leaving at 9:00 am, each of the lines was considerably longer.

- Both the bride &,custom bobblehead; groom must come together,customized bobbleheads,Guests of Honor.

- Bring a money order for $35…,customize bobblehead; no checks, no credit cards,Beginner Windsurfing The Most Excellent Windsurfing Mast Support,personalized bobblehead, no cash.

- Bring your own black pen and a form of ID. Michael and I brought our passports to be safe,customized bobbleheads, but a driver’s license is fine too.

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Firefly Location: New York Wedding Date: June 2015 Venue: Battery Gardens --> PREVIOUS POSTWe Want to Pump You Up NEXT POSTMe & My Honey Related Posts Hand Lettering Class09/12/14 @ 8:47 am Squid Invitations: The Outside Bits10/21/14 @ 9:33 am Crab Save the Date Reveal: The Insides11/13/14 @ 6:36 am Bonus Tip: Do As I Say,Pay Per Minute Phone Businesses,custom bobble head, Not As I Do02/11/15 @ 10:43 am

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