Sunday, March 8, 2015

Mice In Europe Milan

When I left you guys,customized bobbleheads, we had just seen the Eiffel Tower sparkle in all its Disney-esque glory. We woke up the next morning,personalized bobble heads, had breakfast in our hotel, and took the Metro to the rail station,personalized bobble heads, where we would get on our train to Milan. We were sad to leave Paris but so excited about what was next!

At the Milan Cathedral

We enjoyed a relaxing ride through the French and Italian countryside. The highlight of the train ride was getting to see the Alps–they really do have little snow caps on! We arrived in Milan around 9PM, ready to find our hotel and get something to eat. We’d eaten lunch on the train, but we were definitely saving room for a nice, big,custom bobbleheads, Italian dinner. Unfortunately, we had booked our hotel in advance and it was pretty far from the city center. So much for saving money! We took the subway as far as it would go in our direction and then had a 45-minute walk to our hotel. That’s a 45-minute (hungry) walk with giant backpacks on our backs.

We finally made it and checked in to our hotel, realizing a bit too late that (a) the hotel restaurant and room service were closed for the evening, (b) we were at least a 30-minute walk from any open eating establishments, (c) we were in a very industrial and non-pedestrian-friendly area at about 11PM. We left the hotel and desperately walked along a major highway for about 20 minutes, looking for something, ANYTHING, to eat. When we realized we were much more likely to find a prostitute than a pizza, we admitted defeat and headed back to our room.

We ordered drinks from the hotel “bar” (a dirty room with a few random liquor bottles and two cafeteria-style formica tables) because we couldn’t think of anything else to do. They didn’t even have milk to make me a White Russian,,, so instead I got a Black Russian that cost 14 Euros. The Dude (probably more wisely) had a beer. Back in the hotel room, I raged through two cans of mini-bar Pringles. I didn’t even enjoy them–I only ate them out of spite! Milan–1, Mice–0.

Eventually we both passed out with thoughts of tomato-y pasta and garlic-y break filling up our angry, hungry little heads. But the next day was a brand new day, and hey! We were on our honeymoon, so we determined to make the most of our one day in Milan.

The Dude had done all of the planning for Milan. All I knew was I wanted to do some shopping! We took the subway to the main square in the city, which is home to the exquisite Milan Cathedral, a foreboding yet beautiful Gothic explosion that towers over the entire square. After lunch (oh,personalized bobbleheads, heavenly sandwiches and potato chips!), we explored every angle of the cathedral.

The Dude suggested we head over to see the Last Supper, which is housed in a church a few stops over from the main square. We hopped back on the subway and arrived at the church,personalized bobblehead, pumped up to see the Last Supper! We walked inside and tried to purchase tickets from the woman sitting at the desk. She informed us that no, we wouldn’t be getting in to see the Last Supper and that, in fact, it was “booked” until November. What? You have to have RESERVATIONS to see the Last Supper? In a church? Doesn’t it seem like there is something wrong with that? Milan–2, Mice–0.

Not to be deterred,customized bobbleheads, we headed back to the main square to get some major shopping in (H&M, Zara, Intimissimi!), as well as to consume massive amounts of beer, espresso,., and gelato. Several hundred Euros later, we felt much better! We strolled through the arcade, trying our best to appreciate the city despite our experiences. C’mon, how spoiled could we be? There’s no pouting on your honeymoon!

We hung out until dark,custom bobbleheads, did some more damage to our wallets, and then had an amazing (but pricey) dinner in a restaurant in the arcade. The best part: there was a guy singing some covers in English, and I swear he sounded like an Italian Willie Nelson. We were thoroughly entertained. Milan–2, Mice–1.

By the way, when we took this video, we still hadn’t figured out that the music was coming from inside the restaurant. We had no idea he was singing live until right before we left! Yeah, maybe we were a little tipsy?

Our day in Milan definitely ended on a high note,custom bobblehead. Up next: we head to Greece!

Did you miss something? Try and keep up, OK?
Mice in Europe: Paris Part I
Mice in Europe: Paris Part II
Mice In Europe: Versailles

Tags: honeymoon BLOGGER Mrs. Mouse Birthday: July 2 Location: Austin Occupation: Weddingbee Editor & Community Liaison Wedding Date: September 2009 Venue: Barr Mansion --> PREVIOUS POSTLove in Grey and Yellow : Toasting the Newlyweds NEXT POSTEngagement Pics Sneak Peek! Related Posts Honeymoon Deals Spotlight: Italy01/29/15 @ 1:56 pm The Goose Migration: Land Lubbers In Boca09/08/14 @ 6:49 am Mr,custom bobblehead,Getting The Best Videogame Skins On The Internet. & Mrs. Squid in Tulum: What We Ate12/30/14 @ 5:42 am Pyramids in Polynesia: Some Logistics09/10/14 @ 12:46 pm

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