Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Paintball For Virgins

Played in over 40 countries throughout the world by millions of gaming enthusiasts, paintball has been recognized as one of the most exciting outdoor sports in existence today. People from all walks of life, the majority being men, come together to experience the thrill of firing a marker at your enemy and seeing that pellet splatter against his uniform. While it may sound exciting and fun, it is not an easy game to master. If you are thinking of getting into the sport and do not know how then here are some useful tips you need to know before hitting the battle field:

1. Gear up. Paintguns also called �markers� come in different styles and shapes. Most of these are powered by N2, compressed air or CO2. In warmer weather regions, players are encouraged to use CO2. On the other hand, you can use a siphon tank to make your gun work better in cold weather. If you are just starting out don t invest in expensive equipment. Low priced markers start at $125.00. Make sure to cover your legs, ankles, neck and arms with proper paintball clothing. Believe me; you ll thank me later for that. Once you have everything in place you are ready for battlefield.

2. Strategize. No battle is won without a great strategy and paintball is no exception. First thing to remember, don t fire your paintballs randomly. Only strike when the right opportunity comes along. Shooting from a distance will reveal your position, so make sure you get closer first before firing. Know your enemies position by knowing where your allies are. Be quiet and patient, make light footsteps and crawl if you must to get to a good position. Good position is the key to winning the battle.

3. Attack. When you know your opponents position attack in a group so you will overwhelm them. Outnumbering them will be a great attack plan to disarm them. Cover your team and when an attack is about to be launched but do not shoot unless you have someone to cover you at every angle.

4. Safety. No player will be allowed to play without the proper gear and safety measurements. Paintballers are required to wear goggles and safety masks at all time. These custom designed goggles and safety masks must be worn at all times in the playing field even if the player has been already eliminated from the game. Rules and safety are enforced by referees and they have the right to eliminate a player if they discover that he is in violation of safety rules and regulations.

These are simple rules to remember for an adrenaline inducing game. Above that, paintball is a character building sport that teaches teamwork, leadership, self confidence and develops one s intelligence, determination, strength, agility and decisiveness. This is why corporations are now starting to encourage their employees and managers to participate in this game. Now what would be more fun that shooting your markers at your boss? Just make sure than when you do get the chance, he won t be able to fire back at you or �fire� you when you get back!

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