Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Do You Want To Make It Permanent

To be honest,customized bobbleheads, I knew it was coming. He sorta gave it away. Asked me for a few weeks if I wanted to go to a “nice” dinner. Mentioned that soon he could stay over at my parents house (in my room). So on Monday, April 11 when Mr. Firefly said he was going to walk home instead of taking the subway,., I knew it! There’s no way he would take the subway carrying my ring!

It was a warm day so we went up on the roof for a glass (well… plastic cup) of wine. He looked especially handsome in his suit, so I started teasing him as I often did. He must be the cutest guy at his office,custom bobbleheads, all the ladies must have a crush on him.

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“Of course,personalized bobble heads, you’re just mine!” I replied.
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… and out came the ring! He asked if I wanted him to go down on knee,Tips for Short Vintage Wedding Dresses,personalized bobblehead, but I was too busy giggling and hugging him. I don’t quite remember what I said, but I think he got the picture.

I can’t believe it’,,;s been a year…

How did your fiance propose?

Tags: new-york BLOGGER Mrs. Firefly Location: New York Wedding Date: June 2015 Venue: Battery Gardens --> PREVIOUS POSTThe Eye of the Beholder NEXT POSTMy Invitations Related Posts More Shoe Talk10/20/14 @ 2:57 pm Year Two09/24/14 @ 3:33 pm Total Re-Collie: We Arrive02/18/15 @ 9:47 am Classifieds: December 2,custom bobbleheads,Child Safety On The Beach, 201412/02/14 @ 2:57 pm

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