Friday, May 1, 2015

Hazed &amp Confused Special Edition King Of Trios Pt2

Welcome back to this extra length edition of Hazed & Confused, and we ll dive straight into it with the Night 2 results of King Of Trio s.

King Of Trios
Night 2: Saturday 28th March 2009

*Attendance is a little down from night 1, maybe around 425 450.

1. Rey de Voladores 4 Way Eliminator Match: Fire Ant vs. Player Dos vs,Playing Paintball In A Down Economy. Matt Jackson vs. Austin Aries:

*Dos with new gear, themed after Zero from Mega Man.
*Aries has suddenly turned into a super heel in a span of 24 hours.
*First elimination comes when Fire Ant takes out Matt Jackson,customized bobbleheads,How A Dedicated Sports Betting Site Can Help Maximize Your Winnings, followed quickly withDos eliminating Fire Ant with a frog splash.
*Crowd is evenly split amongst the last two,custom bobblehead, with dueling chants in full force.
*Player Dos defeats Austin Aries in 14:31 and advances to the Rey de Voladores final.

2. King of Trios 2009 ~ Quarter Final Match: Arik Cannon, Ryan Cruz & Darin Corbin [The F1RST Family] vs. Gran Akuma, Icarus & Chuck Taylor [Team F.I.S.T.]:

*Icarus� face takes more of a beating tonight as Arik Cannon slaps the snot out of him.
*An awesome legsweep pinning sequence that saw referee Bryce get a two count near fall on Chuck Taylor, the crowd went wild for this!
*After a huge sequence of dives, Chuck Taylor goes for a top rope dive on everyone outside�only for EVERYBODY to move and Chuck to splat on the concrete.
*F.I.S.T. win after Icarus gets the pin on Darin Corbin in 15:03.

3. Lethal Wrestling Alliance Offer Match: Pierre Abernathy & Evan Gelistico [The Submission Squad] vs. Davey Vega & Gary the Barn Owl:

*Match sucked pure and simple.
Submission Squad win in 6mins or so.
Crowd totally crapped on the match

4. King of Trios 2009 ~ Quarter Final Match: Amasis,personalized bobblehead, Ophidian & Escorpion Egipcio [The Osirian Portal] vs. Jimmy �Equinox� Olsen, Lince Dorado & Helios [The Future is Now]:

*The Portal get a huge face pop from the crowd, with the Future is Now getting quite the mixed reaction.
*Portal working pseudo face hitting all of their good spots that play up to the crowd.
*Escorpion rips at the mask of Lince, and the Portal go after it big time, trying to expose his face.
*Lince went for a dive to the outside but accidentally shot into the second row of the crowd.
Helios pins Ophidian in around 17 minutes to advance TFIN into the semi final round.

5. Rey de Voladores 4 Way Eliminator Match: Nick Jackson vs. Kota Ibushi vs. El Generico vs. Jigsaw:

*Easily the hottest match of the weekend,personalized bobbleheads. No one will top this.
*The Arena was on their feet before the first elimination with arguably the best stretch of near falls ever seen between Ibushi and Generico.
*Final two were Ibushi and Jigsaw.
*Ibushi won with the Golden Star Press.
Everyone must get this DVD immediately for that match.

6. King of Trios 2009 ~ Quarter Final Match: Marshe Rockett, Willie �Da Bomb� Richardson & Trauma [Da Soul Touchaz] vs. Vin Gerard, STIGMA & Colin Delaney [The UnStable]:

*Colin goes for big moves on Willie early to no avail.
*A lot of YOUUUU related taunting early from the Soul Touchaz.
*Double Boston crab from Willie on Vin and Colin.
*Willie and Trauma double team capped off with a middle rope spinebuster from Willie on Vin.
*The UnStable advance as Vin pins Willie with some help from STIGMA,customized bobbleheads.

7. Inter Species Wrestling Offer Match ~ ISW Title Match: Player Uno [c] vs. Twiggy:

*Really good match,,, crowd was hot and split down the middle.
*A lot of really good back and forth stuff with a fantastic finish
*Uno gets the pin to retain in 8:44,..
An appreciative �I S DUB� chant from the Philly crowd,custom bobbleheads.

8. King of Trios 2009 ~ Quarter Final Match: Claudio Castagnoli, Dave Taylor & Bryan Danielson [Team Uppercut] vs. Mike Quackenbush, Jorge �Skayde� Rivera & Johnny Saint [The Masters of a Thousand Holds]:

*Individual chants for everyone in the ring including �BRYCE� and �THIS IS AWESOME� chants before the match
*Lots of chain wrestling between Danielson and Saint early, then Quack and Claudio do some of their stuff.
*Dave Taylor gets the upper hand on Skayde in their short exchange,custom bobbleheads,Inline Skating � Tips On How To Fall When Inline Skating, sending him to the outside.
*Taylor and Saint mix it up, then Claudio and Saint�all of which Saint goes through in quick fashion.
*Skayde gets the first big near fall on Claudio and the crowd is going wild for him.
*Quack starts to smack Danielson around, to which Dragon comes back fighting strong for.
*Quack going crazy after getting hit in the back repeatedly, locking in the Cattle Mutilation, grounded elbows and CHIKARA Special on Danielson which was broken up by Taylor.
*Cattle Mutilation on Skayde comes close, but still not enough.
*Team Uppercut makes it to the semis in 33:35 after Claudio hits a middle rope Ricola on Quack.

So with Night 2 out of the way and in the history books, swiftly moving on to Night 3 of the King Of Trios.

King Of Trios
Night 3: Sunday 29th March 2009

*Various members of the Tecnico roster come out with balloons for the fans.
*Helios and Fire Ant lead a Mexican Wave through the Arena
*Attendance looks just over 500 tonight

1. King of Trios 2009 ~ Semi Final Match: Vin Gerard, STIGMA & Colin Delaney [The UnStable] vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Dave Taylor & Bryan Danielson [Team Uppercut]:

*The UnStable come out in new black and teal themed gear.
*Chicken taunting from Claudio, crowd get behind it.
*Colin taunts Claudio with a European Uppercut, only to get hit by a barrage of them from all three Uppercut members.
*UnStable finally starts to get the upper hand on Danielson, working over his knee.
*Claudio gets in on the tag from the nearly immobilized Danielson, hitting a 20 spin Big Spin on STIGMA.
*Team Uppercut move into the finals after Dave Taylor pins Colin Delaney in 15:17

2. King of Trios 2009 ~ Semi Final Match: Gran Akuma, Icarus & Chuck Taylor [Team F.I.S.T.] vs. Lince Dorado, Jimmy �Equinox� Olsen & Helios [The Future is Now]:

*F.I.S,customize bobblehead.T. get a beatdown on Equinox early in the match.
*Helios and Lince hit an insane combo of moves, legit insane stuff.
*Equinox locks the CHIKARA Special on Chuck and it takes three kicks from Akuma to break it.
*Chuck fouls Helios behind Bryce�s back and then hits the Awful Waffle.
Team F.I.S.T. advances to the finals.

3. Arik Cannon vs. El Generico:

*Generico springboards to grab a balloon from the rafters for a young child, a true babyface.
*Cannon is slapping the snot out of Generico, killing him with strikes.
*Tons of fun back and forth with both guys, strikes really dominating.
Cannon puts Generico away in 9:52 with a Glimmering Warlock.

4. 12 Team Elimination Style Tag Gauntlet:

4a. Ryan Drago & Tony Kozina [Team EPIC WAR] def Hallowicked & Frightmare [Incoherence]
4b. Hydra & Tim Donst [Sea Donsters] def Ryan Drago & Tony Kozina
4c. Ultramantis Black & Crossbones [The Order of the Neo Solar Temple] def Hydra & Tim Donst
4d,personalized bobbleheads. Ultramantis Black & Crossbones def. Beef Wellington & Steve Weiner [Animal House]
4e. Player Uno & Create a Wrestler [Saturday Night Slam Masters] def Ultramantis Black & Crossbones
4f,personalized bobble heads. Mitch Ryder & Pinkie Sanchez def Player Uno & Create a Wrestler
4g. Marshe Rockett & Willie Richardson [Soul Touchaz] def Mitch Ryder & Pinkie Sanchez
4h. Matt & Nick Jackson [Young Bucks] def Marshe Rockett & Willie Richardson
4i. Cheech & Cloudy def Matt & Nick Jackson
4j. Brodie Lee & Grizzly Redwood [The Roughnecks] def Cheech & Cloudy
4j. Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush def Brodie Lee & Grizzly Redwood

5. Ophidian, Amasis, KUDO & Michael Nakazawa vs. Fire Ant, Soldier Ant,custom bobblehead, Darin Corbin & Ryan Cruz: *Amasis and Soldier Ant with some fun comedy spots early.

*Fire Ant and Ophidian trade all sorts of lucha stuff
*Michael steps in to the crowd�s delight, oiled up like no one else.
*Stereo diving double knees by KUDO and Ophidian.
*Michael and Amasis oil up together for some double team goodness as the madness unfolds with multi man team spots all over.
*Michael creates an impenetrable circle of oil around the middle of the ring
KUDO grabs the victory for his team with double knees on Darin Corbin

6. Eddie Kingston vs. Austin Aries:

*Huge split chants from the crowd right from the start
*Aries heeling up huge, taunting Kingston on his lack of cardio�and Eddie kills him with strikes as payback.
*Eddie Kingston wins in 9:21 with a Sliding D.

7. Rey de Voladores Finals: Player Dos vs Kota Ibushi:

*An electric atmosphere, everyone on the edge of their seats waiting to see what may be one of the most special matches in a long time.
*Sequence of narrowly missed Ibushi kicks heats things up early on.
*Ibushi is the 2009 Rey de Voladores winner,MMA Clothing Finds A New Audience,customize bobblehead, taking it in 11 minutes.

8. King of Trios 2009 ~ Tournament Finals: Gran Akuma, Icarus & Chuck Taylor [Team F.I.S.T.] vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Dave Taylor & Bryan Danielson [Team Uppercut]:

*Team Uppercut enters to �The Final Countdown�, causing an epic reaction from the fans when F.I.S.T. rush the team at the entrance and rob everyone of their singalong.
*F.I.S.T. jump on the knee of Danielson that was attacked in the earlier match, Akuma�s kicks especially doing a number.
*Chuck taunts Danielson with use of Danielson�s patented elbows.
*Dave Taylor gets the tag and wipes out all of F.I.S.T with uppercuts
*Icarus bounced around with uppercuts.
*Ricola Bomb on Akuma for a certain three before Icarus pulls Bryce from the ring!
*Claudio with a HUGE dive on F.I.S.T. Danielson gets his payback on Chuck with 20 huge elbows to the face, and locks in the Cattle Mutilation before Icarus DDT�s his knee.
Chuck locks in a single leg crab on Danielson and taps him in 11:09, giving F.I.S.T the honor of winning the 2009 King of Trios winners.

So there you have it, 3 days of awesome wrestling and some pretty amazing and fun matches.
Kudos to all involved to make the King Of Trios a must see event in the CHIKARA calender.

Thank you for joining me for this special edition of Hazed & Confused,personalized bobblehead, normal service will be resumed in the next issue, with the Indy Interview of Player Uno.

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